EE 324 - Control Systems Lab
This repository contains my solutions to the lab assignments given in the course EE 324 - Control Systems Lab in Spring 2021 at IIT Bombay
EE 324 is a core course for the undergraduate EE students at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. This course closely follows its theory equivalent EE 302 - Control Systems. The concepts learnt in the theory course are implemented in these lab assignments to get a better understanding. Unfortunately, because of the covid-19 pandemic, the Spring 2021 version of the lab course has been conducted in an online fashion, and hence the lab assignments do not involve any controller design aspect for a practical device. There are a total of 10 lab assignments which were to be solved individually. The broad themes of the assignments is provided below.
Lab 1
It gives an introduction to Laplace Domain Analysis and deriving transfer functions of systems using Scilab.
Lab 2
It gives an introduction to Time Domain Analysis and plotting the step responses of different transfer functions in Scilab.
Lab 3
In this lab we explore the affects of pole-zero cancellation, effects of additional poles and zeroes, variation of various time domain parameters like %OS, peak time,
delay time, 2% settling time as functions of damping ratio and natural frequency
and finally the second order approximation of higher order systems.
Lab 4
In this lab we explored block reduction and Routh-Hurwitz Criterion for deciding the stability of systems.
Lab 5
In this lab we explore root locus technique and designing a Proportional controller for stabilizing unity negative feedback closed loop systems.
Lab 6
In this lab we explore designing P and PI controller using root locus method for given specifications.
Lab 7
In this lab we explore designing PD controller, lead and lag compensators and plotting Magnitude and Phase Responses of systems.
Lab 8
In this lab we explore finding gain and phase margins, effect of open loop gain on gain margin and phase margin, effect of lag compensator on transient response, designing pole-zero locations using bode plots to meet certain gain and phase margin specifications and plotting bode and asymptotic bode plots using Scilab.
Lab 9
In this lab we explore Nyquist Diagrams, effect of lead and lag compensator on gain and phase margins and on Nyquist diagrams, designing a notch filter, calculating gain margins using root locus, Nyquist plot, Bode plot and asymptotic bode plots, finding minimum delay to destabilize a system and controller design using Bode plots.
Lab 10
In this lab we explore State Space Representation of a system, effects of Similarity Transformation, interconversion between state space representation and transfer function representation and relating pole-zero cancellation with properties of System matrix, Input matrix and Output matrix.